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These are downloads and links related to paper, pens and stationery that you may find useful.



Have you ever found that writing in thick notebooks can be uncomfortable? As you get to the bottom of the page, sometimes your hand has no where to rest. Well here are two tips that might work for you.


Concerned about "show through" on thin papers? Please read this.


Information about international paper sizes.


Please check out these pictures of vintage handwriting samples on old paper from the "Golden Age" of handwriting. Lines on correspondence paper were spaced around 9mm apart. Most of the Japanese lined correspondence papers I carry have 10mm lines.


Grid templates (pdf format) - black grids on a white background to lay underneath translucent papers 5mm | 6mm | 7mm | 8mm


Line Templates (pdf format) - white lines on a black background to lay underneath translucent papers while minimizing reverse-side show-through 7mm | 8mm | 9mm


Line spacing may change slightly depending your printer and printer settings. Download, print and trim the pages to the sizes you need. You can also custom-print your own templates at this awesome website: incompetech.com/graphpaper.


Spencerian Penmanship (Theory Book plus five copybooks) This is a highly rated tutorial. If you've ever had the desire to learn and/or improve on your cursive writing, these practice books will be very helpful. Note that this is an Amazon Affiliates link and I get paid a small commission if you purchase through this link.