Our Tomoe River paper pads are finally back!!!
This is 100 sheets of WHITE Tomoe River (Tomoegawa brand) paper, printed with subtle 7mm lines, bound to a binder's board and protected by a fold-over red cover.
The paper is the 68 gsm version, which is thin, strong and resists ink bleed-through and feathering (great for fountain pens). At the same time, it is sheer and delicate and crackles softly, like the pages of a dictionary. It is smooth but not slick, quiet, and will keep up with fast writers. If there were beauty contests for writing paper, Tomoe River would surely be a finalist.
Note that because of its thinness, heavy writers may find that pen tips can leave impressions several pages deep. If this is a concern, I recommend not writing directly into the pad; instead, tear off the page or place a writing mat a couple of sheets down.
If you are concerned about "show through" of reverse-side writing on thin papers, please read this.
If you are concerned about long ink dry times,you might want to consider getting some blotter paper.
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Posted by J. Nichols on 31st Mar 2021
I was afraid to use this product because of the paper quality; it is so high and so well made! I never wanted to tear a page.
Then, I started using it, and I can't believe how much of a difference it made when I wrote. I cared so much about what I wrote, but I was also unafraid to write whatever I needed. To see inky pens rest on the page and not bleed or feather is so reassuring and sturdy and quiet to the eyes. This pad has a subliminal effect on me, and a very welcome one!
Posted by Michael Alexander Lyn on 31st Mar 2021
What can I say that hasn't already been said?
Posted by Terence on 27th Mar 2021
This Tomoe River A5 size writing pad of paper lives up to the brand.
This paper goes with a fountain pen as the sun with warmth.
This pad of paper is top shelf.
Posted by Terence on 18th Mar 2021
These Tomoe River writing pads are a joy to write on with your fountain pen.
Ant that they are the 68gsm version, makes it an even better joy.
The price verse sheet count is pleasing.
Posted by Wendy on 4th Mar 2021
This paper is unbeatable. And it is available at Nanami at a really affordable price. I wish we were still in the age of letter writing. As it is I’m looking forward to writing more letters.
Posted by DB on 29th Dec 2020
I take a lot of notes and write a few letters, some are shorter and don't require a full page of Tomoe River letter size paper. So this does the trick and it does it well. I got the matching envelopes as well and they are just as good.
Posted by DB on 29th Dec 2020
I take a lot of notes and write a few letters, some are shorter and don't require a full page of Tomoe River letter size paper. So this does the trick and it does it well. I got the matching envelopes as well and they are just as good.
Posted by Gerry on 22nd Nov 2020
Sure, you could use a yellow, blue-lined legal pad to take notes. And, in doing so you would save a few dollars. But, life is short. Too short to not use a Tomoe Rive notepad instead.
Posted by Unknown on 8th Nov 2020
Very good
Posted by Richard on 27th Oct 2020
This is a very convenient way to keep a stack of Tomoe River at hand for quick notes or, if you are inclined, letter writing. The faint ruling is great, enough to guide your writing, but faint enough that it isn't part of the "scene" as it were.
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